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Meet our Studiothinkers. Rebels with a cause.

WE believe in the power of human experiences. Wine lovers, hell yes.

Why are we always going on about wine, you ask? It’s not because we’re always drinking it (well, maybe on Fridays), but because it’s a metaphor that sums up what we believe—that human experiences matter. For centuries wine has fuelled debate and conversation, it’s been central to gatherings, celebrations, food and traditions. Wine has played an integral part in bringing people together and forging stronger connections with people. Exactly what we believe a great brand—and a great company should do.

Sherry Jacobi, CEO and Creative Director of Studiothink

Sherry Jacobi CEO and Founder

Tori Thistlethwaite Senior Brand Strategist

Tori Thistlethwaite Director of Strategy

Ask us more about
websites or wine.
You choose.

Kurtis Boylan, Director of Web Development at Studiothink

Kurtis Boylan Director of Web Development

Jessica Summers, Studiothink Director of Operations

Jessica Summers Director of Operations

Frankie Cipriano Studiothink Senior Designer

Frankie Cipriano Art Director

Rachel Champagne, Studiothink Art Director

Rachel Champagne Art Director

Craig D'Arcy Studiothink Web Developer

Craig D’Arcy Senior Web Developer

Emma Franz, Manager of Customer Relations at Studiothink

Emma Franz Manager of Client Relations

We secretly like
that you are
creeping our team page.

Rachel Champagne Studiothink

Tonia Neil Office Manager

Ali Ludovici, Studiothink Manager of Client Relations

Ali Ludovici Writer + Content Strategist

Lindsay Nikolai, Studiothink Manager of Client Partnerships

Lindsay Nikolai Business Development

Eduardo "Lalo" Martinez Uribe - Studiothink Marketing Strategist

Lalo Martinez Marketing Strategist

Diego Almeida, Web Developer for Studiothink

Diego Almeida Web Developer

Jane Buntain, Studiothink Brand Strategist

Jane Buntain Brand Strategist

Mariah MacDonald Studiothink Social Media Manager Marketing

Mariah MacDonald Social Media Manager